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The Kardashians Revealed Their Biological Age Test Results – Discover Yours Too

woman in black workout gear running in the street

Last night on the final episode of “The Kardashians,” Kim Kardashian and the family revealed something revolutionary: their biological age. This is different from their chronological age, which is how many years they’ve been alive.

Instead, they revealed their biological age, which is essentially the toll that life has taken on the body. This age can vary based on lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and underlying medical conditions. They found their biological age by taking the TruAge Complete biological age test by TruDiagnostic. This groundbreaking blood test only uses a few drops of blood from a finger stick, and it’s a kit you can complete at home.

Aging is proven to be the biggest risk factor for chronic disease, and each of our organs age at different rates depending on lifestyle choices. For example, smokers or those who vape may notice their lungs and skin are aging more than the rest of their bodies. People who consume large amounts of alcohol may notice the same about their livers.

The TruAge Complete Test now includes SYMPHONYAge, which allows you to see at the cellular level how your organs are aging. And with your test results, you can work with a functional medicine provider, like me, to implement the lifestyle changes you need to improve your overall health.

Here’s a total breakdown of each report that the TruAge Complete test provides.

The Biological Age Test

The first report you’ll get is what the Kardashians were raving about: your biological age. This cutting-edge test, called OMICmAge, was developed by TruDiagnostic in partnership with Harvard University.

OMICmAge is exciting both healthcare providers and patients because it provides novel insights into the reasons why someone may be aging faster. Up until recently, the biological age test was limited in the nature of only being able to determine if a patient’s age and biological aging was accelerated or decelerated. Now we can not only tell you your biological age, but also what’s most likely contributing to an age acceleration!

This report includes the following:

  • Your OMICm Biological Age
  • Your Risk of Death
  • Your Risk of Stroke, Cancer, Congenital Heart Disease, COPD, Depression, and Type II Diabetes
  • Your Methylation Risk Scores for Various Proteins
  • Your Methylation Risk Scores for Various Metabolites
  • Your Methylation Risk Scores for Clinical Biomarkers

Plus, you’ll discover whether your methylation risk scores for various, multi-omic measurements are correlated with a higher or lower biological age. This report also calculates what your risk of death and disease would be if your biological age increases or decreases by one to several years.

These facts may be just what you need to kickstart your health, wellness, and anti-aging journey.

The Pace You’re Aging – Kim Kardashian’s Favorite

DunedinPACE is the part of the biological age test that shows how fast or slow your body is currently aging. This is done by using an algorithm to calculate your current speed of aging. Results are reported in a fashion that compares your pace of aging to one standard calendar year.

For example, if your results are ‘0.8’, that means your body is currently aging 0.8 years for each
year that passes. This one seemed to be the fan favorite of Kim Kardashian.

This algorithm is the product of the on-going and renowned Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, where researchers have followed the lives and aging patterns of 1,037 people born between 1972, and 1973 at Queen Mary Maternity Hospital, in Dunedin, New Zealand.

The study is now in its fifth decade and has produced a considerable amount of data that shape what we know about the pace at which humans age, along with phenotypic expressions of aging. This makes DunedinPACE the only 3rd generation aging technology currently available.

The Age of Each of Your Organs – Exclusive to TruDiagnostic

This part of the biological age test, called SYMPHONYAge, allows you to see the exact age of all 11 organ systems. It uses Yale University’s epigenetic aging algorithms to deliver aging insights to you. When you know how each of your organ systems are aging, you can begin to understand exactly what changes need to be made to improve your longevity and lifespan.

With the SYMPHONYAge report, you’ll get your:

  1. Lung Age
  2. Heart Age
  3. Brain Age
  4. Hormone Age
  5. Metabolic Age
  6. Musculoskeletal Age
  7. Blood Age
  8. Liver Age
  9. Inflammation Age
  10. Kidney Age
  11. Immune System Age
  12. Your Whole Body, SYMPHONYAge (Organ Systems Age)

Your Age and Physical Fitness

The next report included in the complete TruAge Test is the OMICm FitAge. This part of the biological age test tells you how old you are according to your physical fitness and functionality.

Your OMICm FitAge is basically your overall biological age based exclusively on epigenetic biomarkers of physical performance. Plus, you’ll also learn about the aging status of your:

  • Muscle Strength (Grip Strength)
  • Lung Function (VO2Max & FEV1)
  • Walking Speed (Gait Speed)

These metrics are reported in a format that tells you whether you’re performing better or worse than others who share the same calendar age as you.

Discover How Your Body Maintains Weight – With a Simple Blood Test

Losing weight can be a challenge for many, especially for those who attempt dietary-based interventions without knowing how their body is biologically programmed to respond. The Weight Loss Response helps people plan their weight loss strategy, before committing to a calorie-based routine that may not work.

By looking at your DNA expression and biology, you can find out if caloric restriction is an effective or ineffective weight loss strategy for you. This is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

Learn How Alcohol Use Affects Longevity

This part of the report will help you understand how drinking alcohol speeds up the aging process of certain organs. Drinking alcohol is an example of the impact of lifestyle factors as it causes aging of your skin, blood, and liver. It also impacts overall biological aging processes.

With this report, you’ll learn how your lifetime alcohol consumption, as well as current drinking habits, affects your DNA expression. The Alcohol Consumption report also breaks down the latest research on how long it would take an average person to reverse the damage of drinking through abstinence.

Your Personalized Risk of Diabetes

This last part of the biological age test results includes a report on your risk of disease. This test looks at the amounts of different types of immune cells throughout your body. And by looking at these different cells, you’ll be able to know if you have an increased or decreased risk of death and disease (such as cancer and Type 2 Diabetes).

This report also breaks down how various lifestyle factors such as caffeine consumption and BMI impact your immune cell levels.

Do you ever wonder why many older adults experience a harder time battling diseases like COVID-19 or the common flu, compared to younger people who typically have an easier time recovering from the same illnesses?

It all boils down to the capabilities of one’s immune cells to effectively respond to internal and foreign health threats, which is a capability that tends to decrease with age.

Empower Your Own Health and Longevity Today

Understanding the general state of your health and organs today can be a real game changer for tomorrow! These data are a helpful but small piece of the puzzle when it comes to protecting your longevity and health span.

At Noble, we create personalized care plans for our patients. We want to ensure that we’re helping you do everything you can to slow down the aging process to keep your organs in top shape.

By doing this, we can identify your current health, look for weak spots to fix, and support you the entire way.

Get started working with Noble.

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