What if your body could be years younger than your birth certificate says?
And I know, it sounds too good to be true.
But I’m here to tell you that, yes, your body can be younger than how many years you’ve been alive.
The secret to understanding this concept lies in the fascinating science of epigenetics and something called biological age (Horvath’s clock). Biological age is a measure of how old your body is on a cellular level. This is much different than chronological age, which is simply how many years you’ve been alive.
Scientists have discovered that biological age can be higher or lower than your chronological age. And Bryan Johnson is living proof of that.
In this blog, we’ll dive into how epigenetics shape the aging process. We’ll also discuss how types of Horvath clock tests – like the TruAge Complete Test offered here at Noble Functional Medicine – can give you a look into your biological age, helping you make smarter choices for healthier, longer living.
The Key To Understanding Biological Age Lies in Epigenetics
The foundation of the different biological age tests like the one our office offers all came from our understanding of something called epigenetics.
Epigenetics is the study of how cells control gene activity without changing the DNA.¹ The best way to explain epigenetics is by example, so let’s look at identical twins.

When identical twins are born, they have the same exact genetic code (DNA). And they continue to have the same genetic code throughout their lives. This means that according to their DNA, they’ll have the same hair color, the same eye color, the same anatomy – everything.
But what scientists have found is that even with the same DNA, identical twins can change in appearance and health. Why is this?
Well, it all comes down to your environment and your lifestyle choices.
Let’s say that the boy on the left spends the next 20 years of his life exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, working a low stress job, and lives in a remote area away from the city.
While the boy on the right picks up smoking in his teens, eats a lot of fast food, has a high stress job, and lives a couple of blocks down from a chemical factory.
Who’s hair do you think will turn gray faster?
Who’s at a higher risk of chronic diseases?
Who likely has a higher biological age?
Correct – the boy on the right.
This is a fascinating concept, and it’s one that biohackers like Bryan Johnson are using to slow down the aging process – and maybe even reverse it.
What’s The Horvath’s Clock Test?
Before we talk about how Johnson is lowering his biological age, we first need to understand the test he used to measure it – The Horvath Clock Test.
The Horvath Clock Test is a biological age test developed by UCLA professor Steve Horvath in 2013. It was discovered using epigenetics, which is why it’s also known as an epigenetic clock test or epigenetic age test.
This test estimates biological age by measuring something called DNA methylation levels. DNA methylation is a process that alters how genes are expressed without changing the DNA code itself – basically what epigenetics is all about.
So by checking DNA methylation with a test like the Horvath Clock Test, you can learn the rate your DNA is changing as you age.
The Science Behind the Horvath Test
The Horvath Clock Test works by looking at specific sites on the DNA where methyl groups attach. These methylation patterns change as we age. And just like with the example with the twins, these patterns are influenced by lifestyle factors including:²
- Diet
- Stress
- Weight
- Exposure to toxins

By analyzing these epigenetic changes, scientists can predict not only an individual’s biological age but also their risk for age-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Then, we can learn how to prevent these diseases or even reverse them.
And this is exactly what Bryan Johnson is trying to do.
Who is Bryan Johnson?
Bryan Johnson is a tech entrepreneur who’s recently gained quite a bit of attention for his ambitious personal health project: “Project Blueprint.” Johnson’s goal is to rejuvenate his body and potentially reverse aging.
His plan to do this has involved strategic lifestyle changes and medical interventions.
So how exactly did he do this?
How Bryan Johnson Lowered His Biological Age
Johnson’s dedication to reversing his biological age has paid off. He’s been able to lower his overall biological age by five years.
And some parts of his body have shown to improve even more. He’s been able to reduce the age of his heart eight years and his lungs 27 years.

While Johnson does follow a strict regimen, it again comes down to optimizing his environment and his lifestyle choices. And many of the habits Johnson practices mirror what I tell many of my patients.
For his diet, Johnson eats a balanced diet rich in whole foods. He’s vegan by choice, but this isn’t necessarily a requirement to lower biological age. He makes sure to avoid:⁵
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Sugar
- High fructose corn syrup
- Junk food
And instead of eating his food spread out throughout the day, he practices intermittent fasting. Specifically, he eats all of his food for the day within six to eight hours, making sure to leave plenty of time between his last meal and bedtime.
Johnson makes sure to exercise for a full hour each day. He also understands the importance of sleep and prepares for sleep at least 60 minutes before bed.
To make sure his efforts are working, Johnson frequently tests his biological age using a test like the one from TruDiagnostic to track his progress.
The TruAge Complete Test: A Complete Look At Your Biological Age
If you’re curious as to how you compare with Bryan Johnson, there’s an easy way to find out: the TruAge Complete Test.
This biological age test not only measures overall biological age, but it also gives insights into your health and measures how your organs and body systems are aging.
Taking the test is easy and can be done right at home. And only a few drops of blood from a finger stick are needed.
4 Key Features of the TruAge Complete Test
When you take a TruAge Complete test, you’ll receive a detailed report that reviews different parts of your biological age, longevity, and overall health. Here’s a breakdown.⁶
1. OMICmAge
The first part of the TruAge Complete Test will tell you your biological age and how it compares to your chronological age. Your report will also give you your risk of death and certain diseases including:
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Congenital heart disease
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Type 2 diabetes
Plus, with this report, you’ll be able to see how certain lifestyle changes would affect your risk of death and these diseases.
2. DunedinPACE
This next part of the test will tell you how fast or slow your body is aging compared to a standard calendar year. You’ll also get personalized recommendations on how to improve your rate of aging.
Next up is the SYMPHONYAge part of your test report. You’ll be able to see the age of 11 different body systems including:
- Lungs
- Heart
- Brain
- Hormones
- Metabolism
- Muscles and bones
- Blood
- Liver
- Inflammation
- Kidneys
- Immune system
Knowing the age of each organ system can help guide you in making specific lifestyle changes to improve your health.
4. Additional Health Assessments
The TruAge Complete test includes additional reports of different areas of health and fitness. These reports include:
- Immune cell function: includes the different types of immune cells in the blood and how well they’re functioning
- Physical fitness: includes muscle strength, lung function, and walking speed
- Smoking risk: how much smoking has affected your biological age
- Alcohol consumption risk: how much current or past alcohol consumption has affected your biological age and overall health
- Weight loss response: how your body responds to different weight loss strategies
Ready to Learn Your Biological Age?
Curious to learn how your biological age compares to your chronological age? With the TruAge Complete Test, you’ll be able to get a clear picture of exactly how and why your body is aging. You’ll also be able to learn your risk of developing certain chronic diseases.
Getting the test is easy, and you can even use your HSA/FSA funds to buy it.
But because the report from the TruAge Complete Test is so comprehensive, it can be a little overwhelming to navigate alone. Especially when it comes to this question: what do I do with my results?
That’s where we can help!
At Noble Functional Medicine, we’ll help you interpret your results and create a personalized plan to help you reach your health goals – whatever they may be.
Whether it’s optimizing your lifestyle, diet, or managing stress, we’ll work with you to help slow down aging, improve longevity, boost your energy, and – most importantly – get healthy again.
1. What is epigenetics? – (medlineplus.gov)
2. Biological age is increased by stress and restored upon recovery – (nih.gov)
- The Epigenetic Clock: DNA Methylation and Aging – (eremid.com)
- Tech exec Bryan Johnson went from having a ‘destroyed’ body to spending $2 million a year on reversing his age – (businessinsider.com)
- Bryan Johnson’s diet: Decoding his science-backed nutrition for youthfulness – (mynucleus.com)
- TruAge Test – (trudiagnostic.com)