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Advanced Liver Diagnostics

1 in 3 Americans have liver disease.

There are often no warning signs or symptoms of liver disease, which can progress to liver cancer. If caught early, lifestyle modifications can help reverse liver disease. Early detection is possible, which is why we offer Fibroscan, a fast, non-invasive, and precise method to evaluate your liver’s health. This scan, paired with our comprehensive blood testing, could give you deeper insights into your liver health, helping you take action before serious issues arise.

Wondering if you’d benefit from a liver diagnostics? You need a scan if:

Why Early Diagnosis is Important

What stage of
liver health are
you currently at?

Most chronic liver diseases are asymptomatic until they reach the cirrhotic stage. At that point it can lead to liver cancer, liver failure, and/or death. Damage to the liver caused by chronic liver diseases can often be reversed by early diagnosis and intervention.


Your liver is working diligently to keep you well by processing nutrients, filtering toxins, and maintaining a balance within your body.


When fat starts accumulating in your liver, it can signal a need for lifestyle changes to protect this vital organ and prevent further complications.


As liver tissue becomes scarred from ongoing damage, early intervention is key to halt progression and support healing for optimal liver health.


 In advanced stages of liver scarring, cirrhosis can impact liver function, highlighting the importance of holistic care and regular monitoring to manage symptoms and preserve liver function.


When abnormal cells form in the liver, the damage is now irreversible.

Testing Done Right

Advanced Diagnostics

Our advanced liver evaluation includes both the FIB-4 blood panel and cutting-edge FibroScan technology to give you a comprehensive, painless, and highly accurate assessment of your liver health. This combination provides you with actionable insights to help you improve and closely monitor your liver health over time.


A VCTE (Vibration-Controlled Transient Elastography) ultrasound is a non-invasive medical test used to assess liver health by measuring liver stiffness and fat content. Liver tissue is graded to be healthy, fatty, scarred or fibrous.

Blood Testing

The FIB-4 index is a simple, non-invasive scoring system used to assess the risk of liver fibrosis, particularly in people with conditions like hepatitis C, HIV, or fatty liver disease (MASLD). It helps determine the likelihood of significant liver scarring (fibrosis).

Most of us think that routine blood work or an ultrasound will catch any issues, but liver damage often doesn’t show up on these tests until it’s too late. A comprehensive liver evaluation can help you detect early signs of damage and take action before it’s too late, protecting your health and improving your metabolism.

Navigating Your Health

Early Detection is So Important

What you don’t know CAN hurt you. That’s why at Noble Functional Medicine we are certified in performing Fibroscan Elastography exam of the liver. This machine is far superior to a regular ultrasound and usually only found at a Liver specialist’s office once one is diagnosed with advanced liver disease. Blood tests alone are not sufficient. Waiting for a diagnosis of cirrhosis is not necessary. Knowledge is power.

The liver is the cornerstone of your metabolic health. Weight gain, hormone imbalances, gut issues, and brain fog often have their root causes traced back to liver dysfunction. At Noble Functional Medicine in Beverly Hills, California, the Fibroscan is part of our in-office evaluation and part of our approach to improve your metabolic health, improve your symptoms and prolong your Healthspan!

In Case You're Wondering...

Frequently Asked Questions

The liver is probably one of the least respected organs of the body. It is so  incredibly regenerative, probably by design because it is integral to most every  chemical function our bodies perform. The problem is you must catch the problem  before the scarring happens. The Fibroscan can tell whether the tissue is HEALTHY,  FATTY, FIBROTIC OR SCARRED. It will give a “Fat score” and a “Fibrosis score” so you  know exactly where you fall on the risk spectrum. Basic liver blood tests alone only  give measurements of enzymes released, which can be elevated when the liver is  distressed, but do not tell a thing about tissue health and risk. 

“Normal” labs just mean you are the same as the average person and the average person  right now (50%) have Diabetes or Prediabetes. A third of American adults have liver  disease already and many don’t know it. Liver disease and the fibrosis it causes increases  your risk of liver cancer and liver cancer is the 3rd leading cancer cause of death in the US. 

Most labs also accept much higher numbers than they should to flag abnormal and to  make things worse, many providers will even except modest elevations above those ranges  before sending the patient for imaging. The imaging which is typically done is a regular ultrasound which is inferior to the Fibroscan technology.

Fibroscan measures liver stiffness (which indicates scarring or fibrosis) and the amount of  fat in the liver. It uses transient elastography to determine the elasticity of the liver tissue  and quantify liver fibrosis and steatosis (fat accumulation). 

Ultrasound primarily provides a structural image of the liver. It can show the size, shape,  and basic appearance of the liver and detect masses or blockages. However, it cannot  differentiate between fatty liver and fibrotic/scarred liver or precisely measure liver  stiffness. 

FibroScan is much more sensitive for detecting early liver fibrosis, scarring, and fatty changes.  It gives a quantifiable result, which is useful for tracking changes in liver health over time. Ultrasound cannot distinguish between different stages of liver disease until they are more  advanced. It is less accurate in detecting early fibrosis or distinguishing mild fatty liver from  more severe liver disease.

Considering that the routine blood labs which look only at enzymes can be normal even with a diseased liver, routine labs are kindergarten and Noble Functional Medicines  evaluation is like Harvard! We perform comprehensive screening for metabolic syndrome  which includes measuring: BMI, blood pressure, waist circumference, insulin and glucose  management, cholesterol panels and body composition. We perform calculations to help  “score’ the risk to know the seriousness and to be able to monitor worsening or  improvement. This exhaustive diagnostic workup is combined with Fibroscan’s high tech  analysis of liver tissue to create a complete picture of your liver health and personal risk
Most insurers will reimburse for this scan if you have a diagnosis which supports the test.  Since it meets the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) Clinical  Practice Guideline recommendations for screening, you can submit your receipt for the  exam to request benefits. Noble Functional Medicine is NOT in network with any insurance  companies and can NOT guarantee or assure reimbursement. 
Depending on the scores you receive on your test, the reassessment intervals will  vary. Proactive screenings can be done every 12-18 months while those with higher  scores undergoing liver detox or cleansing programs may require more frequent  assessments. 

Since the liver is incredibly regenerative, if your score indicates high amounts of fat or  inflammation, our diagnostics will help shine a light as to the underlying cause so that we  can create a plan for lifestyle modification to address what might be putting strain on your  liver. There are supplement regimens, liver cleanses and medications which can be used to  improve your metabolic health and take the stress off your liver.  

If the score shows a high level of fibrosis, we will recommend you also visit a liver  specialist. At times a biopsy may be needed. Although the pharmaceutical interventions  for severely sick livers are not very promising, there are new promising interventions in the  works.

Now is the time

Let's Do This Right

Wondering if your routine blood tests are missing early signs of liver problems that could be affecting your metabolism or overall health? Could fat buildup or scarring in your liver be silently holding you back from feeling your best, even if your blood markers look “normal”? Don’t take the risk. Let’s start your liver assessment and get your body working optimally.



Learn more on how to support your liver and general health in our list of resources.